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Μωμογεροι \Αλωνακια Κοζανης
The god Mamos was the personification of satire and sarcasm, and was associated with the celebrations dedicated to Dionysus, using masks and disguises. From Mamos comes the original etymology of the word "Momogeoi" or "Mameroi" or "Momogeia", who were followers of Mamos and accompanied him with dancing, singing and satirizing faces and situations. This event refers to one of the oldest Pontic customs that usually took place during the Christmas period from December 15 until mid-January. Twelve men represent the 12 months of the year, another one disguised as the devil representing evil and one dressed as a bride representing regeneration and fertility. They visit each and every house where they do their dance, at new years eve they visit  the cemetery to honor their ancestors.

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